Maritime Autonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group (MASRWG)

Code of Practice

The rapid advancement in maritime autonomy has led to the need for updated guidance for those who own and operate Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems (MASS). Although it is not a legal document, the Code has been adopted by manufacturers, service providers, and others as part of their daily work. Several manufacturers have reported that their clients require compliance with the Code for contractual negotiations.

The latest version, Version 8, provides a variety of updated guidance on various topics.  In November 2017, the Maritime UK Autonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group (MASRWG) published the first Code of Practice which received worldwide recognition from the industry. The group has been releasing annual updates since then. Lloyd's Register has supported the publication of this version of the Code.

Tom Chant MBE, CEO of the Society of Maritime Industries, said:

 “I am delighted that we continue to produce such well-regarded guidance in this most rapidly growing of domains. For the UK, autonomy is a key driver of future growth opportunities and fuses our expertise across the sector - professional services, cutting-edge innovation and high-quality manufacturing and design.

"The pace of change is accelerating, and as autonomy changes the way we live and work, this Industry Code of Practice serves as valuable guidance on certification, assurance and safety.”

 James Fanshawe, the MASRWG Chair, said:

 “MASS development and operations continue to become an established part of the maritime scene. The Code of Practice provides the ideal focus to enable industry to develop ahead of the anticipated international and national regulatory frameworks. Version 8 of the Code of Practice provides the platform for a variety of important updates with some new and revised guidance. Whilst this has no legal status, it provides a strong complement to the legal framework emerging from International and National organisations.  ”

The Society of Maritime Industries is also announcing details of the annual MASRWG Conference, to be held on 15 and 16 January 2025. 

2025 Conference

The UK Maritime Autonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group is proud to announce its 10th conference, titled NEXT STEPS, which will take place on January 15 and 16, 2025. It will be a virtual conference produced and directed by UKi Media & Events, organisers of the Autonomous Ship Technology Expo & Symposium 2025

There will be a keynote speaker each day and the conference will focus on the following topics:

  • UK Maritime Policy
  • Goal Based Evidence
  • Risk Based Assessment
  • Large language models
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Multi modal operations
  • MASS operations in Port Areas
  • US update
  • CAA approach to autonomy
  • Neurodiversity
  • MASS – a legal view
  • HMI

Save the dates in your diary and register now to confirm your place.